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French boys spanking - now speaking English / комментарии к альбому

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davcha7476 🇫🇷 2012-11-02 02:23
Puisque vous arrivez à traduire le français, je ne vais pas faire l'effort d'écrire en anglais. Vos traductions sont bonnes, mais je suis très déçu que mes dessins tombent dans le monolinguisme général. La différence culturelle vous gêne donc tant ? Le martinet est un instrument d'origine française et j'aurais aimé qu'il le reste. Vous auriez pu au moins m'en parler avant... d'autant que ça n'attire pas que les meilleurs commentaires.
davcha7476 🇫🇷 2012-11-02 13:38
If you are Russian, you are excused. I thought you were English, American, Australian, or one that can not stand to see that other texts in their own language, which is often also the only he knows. I studied english language and I speak almost every day in my work, but I just wanted that french language is in the spotlight for once and do not in English monolingualism. Everyone is able to use Google Translate, in all languages ​​of the world ! Preserve our languages ! Yes drawings are mine. Thank you appreciate them.
topdrawer 🇬🇧 2012-11-03 02:49
Davcha, Please regard my translations as an adaptation for the disabled, an act of kindness for those poor people who can only communicate in English monolingualism. I am sorry if this has caused you offence, it was not intended so. I love your art, took a long time to understand it, and wish to share the joy with others. I tried ten online translators, and got ten very different results. My final adaptations are not a summary, but an attempt to convey the original meaning.
davcha7476 🇫🇷 2012-11-03 03:40
Well ! It's heartbreaking, but since this is done with a good intention, made ​​better. I console myself by noting that you like my art.
davcha7476 🇫🇷 2012-11-03 03:51
Europe : Andorre Belgique France Italie (Vallée d'Aoste) Îles Anglo-Normandes Luxembourg Monaco Suisse (Romandie) Vatican Amérique : Canada (Québec, Ontario, Nouveau-Brunswick, Manitoba) Dominique France (Guadeloupe, Guyane, Martinique, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon) Haïti Sainte-Lucie États-Unis (Louisiane, Maine, Vermont) Afrique : Bénin Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroun Comores Côte d'Ivoire Djibouti France (Mayotte, la Réuni0n) Gabon Guinée Guinée équatoriale Madagascar Mali Niger République centrafricaine Congo-Brazzaville République démocratique du Congo Sénégal Seychelles Tchad Togo Rwanda Langue administrative : Maroc Algérie Tunisie Mauritanie Maurice Asie et Océanie : France (Nouvelle-Calédonie, Polynésie française, Wallis-et-Futuna) Liban Vanuatu Au total 38 pays dans lesquels le français est langue officielle ou administrative. Il y a 200 000 000 de locuteurs dans le monde, dont 115 000 000 est leur langue maternelle. Merci pour eux !
davcha7476 🇫🇷 2012-11-03 23:41
Ok, let to do the "american-english invasion" and be passive ! You will not cry when your language will be a dead language.
topdrawer 🇬🇧 2012-11-04 14:53
Let's not fall out over this, davcha has produced some wonderful art; I especially like the short trousers, white underpants, lack of genital hair, knee-high socks, signs of a good whipping, realistic reasons for a whipping, the unique way that the martinet can be used, and the boys playing with it themselves. All superb images, and drawn by a very talented artist. I respect the French language, and culture, anf hope that by translating it, some viewers will be inspired to learn some French. Certainly, I have picked up a few phrases just by translating this, but I doubt I will ever be able to read it properly.
davcha7476 🇫🇷 2012-11-06 02:42
Thank you topdrawer, I am very touched my your words, and the art continue ! I posted new pictures in my albums. But now please, learn french !
iwill2011 🇬🇧 2012-12-12 05:09
anon@94.46.8.xxx, the film title is Grzesny zywot Franciszka Buly made in 1980.
iwill2011 🇬🇧 2012-12-18 11:18
Topdrawer, I do not regard myself as either disabled or poor and I find your dismissive comment offensive in the extreme so keep your so-called "acts of kindness " to yourself thank you.

topdrawer 🇬🇧 2012-11-04 14:55
This is a wonderful image, it shows the unique use of the martinet, by whipping in this way the master can see the boy's face as the blows land, and gauge his reaction. There is no other instrument of punishment which can achieve this outcome, Excellent.
scamptoo 🇨🇦 2022-07-12 18:45
That's not all he can see.

mommsi999 🇩🇪 2017-03-18 23:25
si einen Marschiene hätte mein vater wohl auch gerne gehabt

cante 🇺🇸 2012-11-21 03:15
I always love the x2 deal ^_^

cante 🇺🇸 2012-11-21 03:16
Good line-up 8D
timido 🇪🇸 2020-04-04 15:15
I want to be one of the spanking boys

scamptoo 🇨🇦 2022-07-12 18:47
Well then, take them down and then it will be your bum that gets swatted.

scamptoo 🇨🇦 2022-07-12 18:48
I'll make sure not to make you crazy then lol

sandman1 🇺🇸 2023-07-26 02:05
older brother taking care of his little bros

scamptoo 🇨🇦 2022-07-12 18:49
Thank you for the translations.

cante 🇺🇸 2012-11-21 03:19
Ha! The follow-up XD

davcha7476 🇫🇷 2012-11-02 03:11
"m'zelle" est la contraction phonétique de "mademoiselle", qui signifie "miss" en anglais... Traduisez au moins correctement !
topdrawer 🇬🇧 2012-11-03 02:57
I thought "madam" was more fitting, but got lost searching for the cat. He turns up in another picture. I will modify this one soon.