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USAF_Airshow_2011 / комментарии к альбому

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inboy41 🇩🇪 2012-09-25 01:20
PW please
remi14 🇷🇺 2014-01-08 04:25
Привет! Напиши Пороль Пожалуста! http://remi14@spaces.ru :) pass please Powalusta
nonojo723 🇺🇸 2014-01-08 06:47
mercedesabdel 🇧🇪 2014-02-16 15:47
feel free to visit my albums, can I have your pass pl. will reply mine, THX.
nonojo723 🇺🇸 2014-02-17 08:11 в ответ mercedesabdel
Thanks for the visit. Please come back for the other albums & use 'extra' to get in.

maddog652 🇺🇸 2011-12-31 22:25
Ah! One of my favorites. The B-2 Stealth Bomber! That puppy flies right over my house, followed closely by its escorts, for the openning of the Indianapolis 500. What a sight!
nonojo723 🇺🇸 2012-01-04 05:42
Yeah, it's always a real treat to see neat jets fly like this B-2, the F-117, U-2, ... AND, there were no accidents at this show!
maddog652 🇺🇸 2012-01-05 01:23
Good deal! :D
unforgiven 🇺🇸 2012-09-10 11:39
So i was at the rose bowl a few years ago. kept hearing this sound that sounded like a bee or something. as part of the opening show we saw that the high piched sound was comeing from the still flying original flying wing from Northrup museum. it was followed by one of the stealth bombers and was flanked by two f117 stealth fighters as well as a couple of f18s. it was so impressive it brought tears to my eyes.

maddog652 🇺🇸 2011-12-31 22:31
Never leave home without it!
nonojo723 🇺🇸 2012-01-04 05:46
Yeah, I enjoyed shooting [I wasn't a sniper - just like gun] the ~Barrett 50 cal sniper rifle soon after it 1st came out around the early 80's or so. Very accurate to long distances! Boy looks like he's having a good time although I don't recognize that firing position - lol.
maddog652 🇺🇸 2012-01-05 01:27
That's "Boy Position" he mastered it in his living room floor with his Playstation 3. :D
maddog652 🇺🇸 2012-01-26 05:20
LOL! Pesky eh? :D
joker_bl 🇩🇪 2012-05-16 18:13
@nonojo: ty for your comment! i reckon that was only for a snapshot...i dont think anyone would stand the recoil of a barret .50 in that position without getting hurt badly...lol @bareswimmer: depleted uranium bullets? you may wanna eat that pesky deer yet once its down! XD

joker_bl 🇩🇪 2012-05-16 18:14
looks like the good old m4 isnt dying, eh?

maddog652 🇺🇸 2011-12-31 22:36
What every boy wants to do is test the equipment! I know I DID! :D
nonojo723 🇺🇸 2012-01-04 05:47
Never shot one of these but it would be a blast - literally with the HE rounds!
maddog652 🇺🇸 2012-01-05 01:28
...indeed! :D
nonojo723 🇺🇸 2012-01-17 23:31
Hey, thanks for the comment. A while ago I used the pic capture sw and figured out I needed to move the mouse away from the 'button' that shows up at that location to 'snap' the pic. Than I did other things and came back and eventually figured it out again but didn't go back to redo.
nonojo723 🇺🇸 2012-01-19 11:34
ha, lazy!?!? I've been found out! Please don't tell anybody. Yeah, they were very cute as well as some others. It was a bit cool that day.

maddog652 🇺🇸 2011-12-31 22:38
Wanna ride? :D
nonojo723 🇺🇸 2012-01-04 05:49
A ride in one of these would be awesome but I'd be afraid the pilot would pull some g's and make me hurle.

azazazel 🇩🇪 2014-05-30 15:07
whaw ;)

maddog652 🇺🇸 2011-12-31 22:41
nonojo723 🇺🇸 2011-12-31 23:40
Hey Maddog, thanks much for posting comments. I'm very displeased with my photography for this set. I wanted to bring a better camera but the press release said 'no bags.' So I just had the camera on my belt. As you can see in the pic, others had bags. Anyway the air shots in particular were tough because I couldn't even see the screen. Yeah, it's one of several MC-130H Combat Talon II's there just delivered to the AFSOC about a week prior to the air show. It's cordoned off because it had just flown a demo at the airshow.
maddog652 🇺🇸 2012-01-01 00:30
Understood. "Needs must where the devil drives" is what I always say.
nonojo723 🇺🇸 2012-06-18 10:42
yup, brand spanken new, it arrived to the USAF just days before the air show.
moktheafflicted 🇬🇧 2012-07-20 13:49
How the hell did they manage to park it on that gradient?

moktheafflicted 🇬🇧 2012-07-20 13:50
There's that gradient again. Must be like "The Hump" at Biggin