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greg37 🇺🇸 2014-02-14 18:43
So true
luciabrambilla 🇮🇹 2015-10-21 00:23

aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:15
Excellent choices here, hope you are still going ok😘

boatrite63 🇺🇸 2022-05-19 13:15
I miss "Calvin and Hobbes". Best comic strip ever.

msebdt 🇺🇸 2014-02-16 06:55
This is a picture of my neighborhood in chicago

london14 🇬🇧 2014-02-27 13:00
GReat Stuff - keep it coming please
aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:17
Yes, yes and YES.

aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:17
So much has changed eh?
boatrite63 🇺🇸 2022-05-19 13:20
All these years later, I sometimes still expect Andy Rooney on "60 Minutes".

msebdt 🇺🇸 2014-03-01 22:50
typical right wing ignorant bible thumper
aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:18 в ответ msebdt
Amen to that...

aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:19
' I love the poorly educated'......DT.

rangutan 🇩🇪 2014-03-09 02:33
Simple ... so that the embassies would be attacked, make US-Americans unsecure and give an excuse to attack those under suspicion with bombs from drones. haha
msebdt 🇺🇸 2014-03-09 05:34
You could be right---the US neocon chickenhawks just would love to have an excuse to attack a foreign country---possibly one who have nothing to do with Benghazi (9/11-Iraq)

aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:21
JC was a Socialist for these unChristian idiots...

msebdt 🇺🇸 2014-03-01 22:49
I thought this was funny

aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:23
Christ, NOTHING has changed....

aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:23
Kinda sounds like the taliban😝

msebdt 🇺🇸 2014-03-09 05:22
I strongly dislike bible thumpers--who use their religion to justify bigoty and hate.
aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:24 в ответ msebdt
Could not agree more. Not very spiritual or Christian huh? Bill Hicks was right...

aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:26

msebdt 🇺🇸 2014-03-09 05:21
This is Ted Nugent--defender of freedom. Except when he had to put on a uniform during Vietnam--the he dodged the draft--typical chickenhawk.
aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:27 в ответ msebdt
Trump endorses him, says everything.

aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:28
Was nice of Donald to do his bidding so meekly....a useful idiot is the phrase...

aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:28
Arf arf arf!

msebdt 🇺🇸 2014-03-11 05:01
This is what will happen in America (freedom) is the right wing nut jobs get in control
aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:29 в ответ msebdt
Step by step via Q Onan....

aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:30

aceofspades66 🇺🇸 2021-09-11 23:34
Nancy, come back, we need you! Wonderful album, sad truths but funny as hell...